Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Luxury House Plans Rapidshare Will The Bank Mortgage Your House If You Don't Have An Income?

Will the bank mortgage your house if you don't have an income? - luxury house plans rapidshare

I am a full-time students without a college job fairs (juggling school and children) without support. I have a dream that I have to sell back home. I have to repay student loans and buy a smaller home and resume a better car and the rest of my college money.

I take possession of the house in a month and student loans do not pay much. So, until I sold the house, I have a problem is the mortgage? I do not want any mortgage (a home is very expensive luxury), but I would on a 1 / 4 of their value or less mortgage until I can sell.

I want my mortgage payments you receive the lump sum to make. I have a good credit but no income.


My Take on It said...

You need to borrow income, even if you have done.

Defines a buffer to win a luxury product.

I can only imagine what the taxes on the baby!

Congratulations on winning though!

jlf said...

You get a loan without verifiable income.

SGT V said...

Absolutely not. Who was the most important factor for the banking crisis. Financial institutions to lend to anyone who requests the value of the housing market. They have forgotten that "what goes up must come." If you donated a house, why would we need a mortgage? Stay in an apartment, if you are a company and then find a smaller house once cattle were sold. That was the reaction of the others said they have no provable income, you do not qualify, period. Determine Zillow.com sites, homes on the present value of the house and obtained the prices that similar homes in the area are now selling. Then, cut the price by 15% or less and must sell. Enjoy the luxury to buy at home and a smaller house with affordable price points. Sure factor in the cost of insurance, taxes, etc., so do not worry too much. My advice would be to sell the luxury home, keep the money in bonds or something else that is safe and wait until "you are out of school and work, to buy a house. I, with an averageu can buy a smaller house qualifying easily for a small mortgage on your good credit. Best of luck.

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