How to lose 20 kg permanently? (and gain some muscles)? - what are the foods should be avoided for bells pallsy
I am overweight. 1.73 m 85 kg. I am 15 years old and men.
I have more questions! (connected) with weight loss
People say that if you can burn the morning exercise 3 times more fat? Is it true?
What foods should I avoid and what should I eat?
Someone told me that the muscles help to burn fat or help you can lose weight? Can I find out more?
After this time, I should stop eating, and when I'm hungry, what should I eat?
I've heard was a small healthy meal every 3 hours to take? What a light and healthy meal?
My sleep patterns on my weight loss?
Which exercises do I do? I've heard that helps you the perfect balance of a certain type of exercise to lose weight faster? What are these exercises?
I have an elliptical machine, free weights and heavy beams, which can put on your feet and hands. How can I fully use them?
Have a good breakfast actually help make you eat less during the day? I read in Reader's Digest cold showers even help you lose weight. Is it true? I would like to gain some muscles to look good, the coach, after they lose weight or to lose weight in my program? And for me there are 2 types of muscles, the type of WWE from the muscles and metro sexual muscles. How can the metro sexual? (As Ryan Reynolds)
Sorry for so many questions! But I am worried about my health and I am writing this is happening in my head. Thank you!
Choppy Hey!
There are many things you can do to get in better shape, but is really only two: diet and exercise.
For a diet is not necessary to do something "crazy", but after a clean diet program is still a long way.
Here are some basic nutritional principles are followed in order to start each day to lose weight and live healthier. There is a good chance that your parents already have most of these things still at home:
-Eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day (instead of 3 large meals distributed)
"Eating some form of lean protein (eggs, fish, beef, chicken, etc.) at each meal.
(Eat a sort of green vegetable at every meal in your pepper omelet, a salad with the meal may be, my brotherccol with dinner, etc..) have many advantages for green vegetables, the list are full of fiber and will help you fully, without eating a lot of calories.
"Try to eat less carbs than white bread and pasta and things like beans, vegetables, oats and sweet potatoes.
"By purchasing a single drink at 0 calories. (Tea, coffee, water from a soda) a day which is not terrible, but obviously not the best option.)
Reduce "Try to move waste to a minimum. A couple of turns per week, you can click on the right track when you can be kept under control. To be sure does not fall from the wagon" and eat like crap completely for several days at a time.
Try these few simple rules to follow for a few weeks and you begin to see results.
Also pOsted action below, and you can afford it. There is a little more detail and discussed from a number of programs to achieve the objectives of the list.
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